Senin, 30 November 2009

Controversy of National Examination

Should National Examination be abolished?

National Examination is needed by the government to measure quality standard of education in national level but it will emerge some problems when it is used to judge whether a certain student can pass or not. Some people say that the graduation based on the result of the National Examination tends to deappreciate students’ and teachers’ works during 3 years. As if their hard efforts were not included into account to judge the students’ graduation. Nowdays there are pro and contra opinion about it whether it will be abolished or continued. What do you think about it? Do you agree or disagree? Deliver your opinion!

Senin, 23 November 2009


Homework, sometimes, can support students to learn more but on the other hand it can seize students' right to enjoy their childhood times to have fun.

Give your comment about it, whether you agree or not. type your name and class!