English Test
Material for Practice
Test; Writing
- Functional Test
- Announcement
- in the airport
- in the harbour
- in rail way station
- in the bus station
- in the school
- in the radio
- in the tourist resort
- in the police station
- in the hospital
- in mall
- Advertisement
- to promote medicine
- to promote soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc.
- job vacancy
- to promote a concert
- to promote a school
- to promote a restaurant
- to promote a movie
- to promote a tourist resort
- to promote new fashion
- Genre
- Analytical Exposition
- Hortatory exposition
- Discussion
- Bringing mobile phone to school
- The corruptor must get death penalty
- The disaster must be handled by the government only
- National Final examination (UAN) must be done
- The students must get some homeworks or some tasks
- The senior high school students must get sex education
- The students must not watch violence film
- The women in Indonesia must not go abroad to be Indonesian workers (TKI)
- Guest Star in Night Performance art (MAPENSI) in SMADA should not be invited
- Smoking must be banned in Indonesian
- Students should not wear uniform to go to school
- RSBI program should not be omitted