Rabu, 13 Februari 2013

Material of Writing Practice Test

English Test
Material for Practice Test; Writing

  1. Functional Test
    1. Announcement
      1. in the airport
      2. in the harbour
      3. in rail way station
      4. in the bus station
      5. in the school
      6. in the radio
      7. in the tourist resort
      8. in the police station
      9. in the hospital
      10. in mall
    2. Advertisement
      1. to promote food production
      2. to promote medicine
      3. to promote soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc.
      4. job vacancy
      5. to promote a concert
      6. to promote a school
      7. to promote a restaurant
      8. to promote a movie
      9. to promote a tourist resort
      10. to promote new fashion
  2. Genre
    1. Analytical Exposition
    2. Hortatory exposition
    3. Discussion

      1. Bringing mobile phone to school
      2. The corruptor must get death penalty
      3. The disaster must be handled by the government only
      4. National Final examination (UAN) must be done
      5. The students must get some homeworks or some tasks
      6. The senior high school students must get sex education
      7. The students must not watch violence film
      8. The women in Indonesia must not go abroad to be Indonesian workers (TKI)
      9. Guest Star in Night Performance art (MAPENSI) in SMADA should not be invited
      10. Smoking must be banned in Indonesian
      11. Students should not wear uniform to go to school
      12. RSBI program should not be omitted